A new website is taking embarrassing and potentially incriminating status updates from Facebook users who don't use the site's privacy settings and posting them for the whole world to see.
They know what you're doing, and you're not going to like how they found out.
A new website is taking embarrassing and potentially incriminating status updates from Facebook users who don't use the site's privacy settings and posting them for the whole world to see.
The WeKnowWhatYoureDoing.com “social experiment” is a nightmare come true for people who haven’t figured out how to make their profile private.
"I hate my boss so mch [sic], his so arrogant bloody a--," says “ltumeleleng S,” in a status update seen on the site's homepage.
The posts aren't just limited to people ranting about their bosses. There are also updates about how hungover people are, who's taking drugs and who's got a new phone number.
"Friday to Wednesday sesh complete hahaha," says a status update from Tommy B, "hungover would be an understatement."
The site pulls in the status updates from Facebook's Graph API, a developer tool, and simply posts them in list format for anyone, including bosses, to see.
Callum Haywood, 18, the site's creator, admits on his site's "About" page that people likely don't want others to see indiescretions on his site, but he blames Facebook users for not properly understanding their privacy options.
Haywood explains that his site is meant to be a learning tool, explaining how users can set their privacy settings to limit who can see their profiles.
A disclaimer on the site warns people who have seen their updates on the site that he "does not accept any responsibility or liability … for any loss or damage of whatever nature … [from] the information on this site."
In other words, if you lose your job, you can’t blame him...