As governments, banks and businesses try to improve their tools for security surveillance, more people are turning to biometrics as an identification tool. has published its research report, "Global Biometric Report to 2012," and found that biometric identification is expected to grow by 22 percent between 2011 and 2013..
The primary reason for this growth is security. Individuals want protection from identity theft, businesses want to protect their assets and governments want to be able to better know their populations for security and legal purposes.
North America is currently the region using biometrics in the greatest quantity, but rapid growth is expected in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
India recently began an ambitious program designed to use biometrics to identify every member of its population. AlterNet reports the nation is working to provide biometric identification for its estimated 1.6 billion people to create a stronger sense of infrastructure to connect people more tangibly to the economy and government...
(keep your hands off my body/computer!!!!! - fc)